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Currently Active Researchers

This is a short list of people who are actively researching their PLUCK and PLUCKROSE family trees. They would all welcome an approach by e-mail from anyone with similar interests. The number before the name identifies that person's interest as recorded in the 1881 census list.

1 Derrick Porter: Searching for the baptism and marriage of William PLUCKROSE who was probably born 1575-1580. His wife was named Ann and between them they raised six children in Ickleton CAM between 1602 and 1614.

19 Gillian Rodie: Looking for descendants of Lydia PLUCK, born in 1800 in Saffron Walden, Essex, married William KICKS about 1823 in Kent, had six children in Sheerness, Kent.

26 Dave Carter: Particularly interested in 20th century Plucks in the West Ham area.

If you want to add your name and interest to this list either e-mail me at . . . or write to me at: Derrick G Porter, Boxgrove House, St Mary's Close, Thakeham, West Sussex, RH20 3GP, UK.

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